
Ficus Elastica, part of the Pioneer Group, has 40+ years in raw materials distribution. Our commitment to excellence, reliability, and customer satisfaction makes us a preferred choice for our clients’ raw material needs.
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What sets us apart?

Quality Assurance

Our commitment to top-quality materials ensures durable, low-maintenance projects with long-term performance.

Experienced Team

Our experienced team offers expert advice and dependable assistance, ensuring your project's successful completion.

Reliable Partner

Rely on us for timely deliveries, consistent quality, and excellent service. Your dependable partner in construction materials.

Technical Assistance

We not only have an in-house technical advisory team, but also maintain channels to receive technical support from our principals.

Industries Served

Empowering Construction Excellence with Premium Quality Materials.

Brands We Offer

Contact Us

Our team is committed to providing prompt and helpful responses.
Whether it’s about our products, services, or any other inquiries you may have, we’re here to assist you.

Get in touch

Contact Us

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)